New year Goals

I made some goals for after my birthday. Only think I managed to complete one of them because of some personal stuff that came from nowhere to kick me in the ass. So I am moving them to new year and I thought I should split them up into months to help them seem more…

If I were my own best friend- a rambling.

I am on my radical self love journey and I wondered what I would think about myself if I were my own best friend. People don’t usually have good things to say about themselves, but will die of envy over someone else’s qualities. So what do your friend think of you? They might wish they…

Radical self love journey

I started reading Radical self love by Gala Darling and I LOVE IT! So now I have started on my self love/self care journey. I decided to make a list of self love/care things to do. Buy myself flowers Take a bath with bubbles Eat ALL of the ice cream Exercise and do yoga in…

Reflection Friday 16th September 

I had a nice organisation week! I got rid of Facebook because it sucks my life away. I started my new fitness plan. And I got some work stuff sorted out. Things I love and am grateful for this week… ♡ CHEESE ♡ MY GAY DADS ♡ CIDER ♡ WINE ♡ SNUGGLES ♡ THE LION…

Reflection Friday September 2nd

OK… so I haven’t done this since May. Sooooo just a quick recap of general stuff I’ve been thankful for… My ass. Oh it’s so fine It was My birthday and I had a lovely weekend. My parents visited and we went for Jamaican food at Turtle bay with them my bear and his bearents…

Dieting and fitness and stuff

So I’m doing that fitness/dieting thing with the bear. Mostly we are a bit rubbish at it, but we manage to fit in some exercise a week and have been  eating a bit healthier. We are enjoying smoothies and salads ans stuff. So far the difference is this! Isnt my phone case awesome! Anyway It’s…

Ballloooooonnnssss in Bristol

Had a super day out at the Bristol Balloon Fiesta. We drank and went on rides and ate millions of sweeties and most importantly saw lots of awesome Hot air balloons flying off into the sky. I LOVE hot air balloons. I have tattoos of them all up my leg. There is just something magical…

New list for year 31 of my life.

So I was 31 last week! Eeeeeee! In my 30th year I kinda wanted to have a bit of a rest… but now I want to fill my life back up again. Thought I’d split it up into manageable chunks for myself. fitness ●Learn to skate ●Learn to do cartwheel (just need a sunny day…

Reflection Friday 10th June

Hello lovely people! I had a super dooper weekend to start off my week of fun fun fun. Not a lot happened after that really… but here goes for my week of thankfulness and love! 1) Sunshine! What a lot of beautiful sun we had this week. That bit of sun makes even a boring…